Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Family

Family is the smallest community, a basic social unit consisting of either husband and wife, or parents and children.

When all family members do their best to follow what the Bible teaches, they, as a group will become spiritually prosperous, happy and contented at the same time.

How can harmony inside the family be achieved?

1) Husbands (Ephesians 5:28) should love their wives like their own body. If you're in your right mind, you won't hurt yourself and you will take good care of it.

2) Wives (Ephesians 5:33) should respect and honor their husbands just like the way they would honor God. Being submissive and humble, wives can bind with their husbands and will become good example for their children.

3) Children (Ephesians 6:1-5) should obey their parents to make their lives longer. Simple advises and warnings from parents should not be ignored. Example, a boy was told by her mother to always use the overpass when going home. One day, his classmates challenge him to cross the highway with them. He instantly remember his mom's advise. Even if his classmates told him he was a coward, he didn't mind them and continue on the stairs. In the middle of his walk, he heard a loud car break, he looked down the overpass and saw his classmates laying on the highway, dripping with blood. He was thankful, even his mom was thankful, that he is obedient.

Don't have a copy of Bible? Read online here.

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